Der Berg

作者 Gercke, Hans / Debatin, Sarah / Bleyl, Matthias / Böcher, Hans-Georg / Breitschopf, Christine / Frese, Annette / Gutbrod, Philipp / Hofmann, Karl-Ludwig / Hubach, Hanns / Kastner, Angelika / Kühlmann, Wilhelm / Lohmann, Martin / Lüning, Sebastian / Pavaloi, Margareta / Präger, Christmut
日期 2002
出版社 Kehrer, Heidelberg
图书资料 精装, 551 页
国际标准书号 9783933257987
语言 德文

The following artworks are mentioned, discussed or illustrated in the book:

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This catalogue was published on the occasion of following exhibition: