Gerhard Richter. Eight Gray

Auteur Buchloh, Benjamin H. D.
Date 2002
Maison d'édition Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York, NY
Détails Relié, 128 pages
ISBN 0892072636
Langue Anglais

Catalogue accompanying the exhibition Gerhard Richter. Eight Gray at the Deutsche Guggenheim, Berlin, Germany.


This exhibition catalogue for the Deutsche Guggenheim Berlin details Richter’s experiments with glass and mirrors, and their relationship to painting. Alluding to a modern interpretation of the momento mori, he tackles the apparent nothingness, the void through his large grey mirror pieces. Nearly 50 drawings from 1965 to the present, as well as studies for the Berlin installation have been included.


This publication concludes with an essay by Richter expert Benjamin H.D. Buchloh.

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